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Laylatul Qadr

Laylatul Qadr [lit. Night of Significance] is the most sacred night of the most blessed month (Ramadan) in which the most honourable book of Allah (the Qur’an)was revealed upon the greatest and final Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam)

The Prophet told us that it is in the last ten nights of Ramadan, but that Allah kept the exact date hidden so that we can strive and search for it the whole ten nights.

If Ramadan is 29 days, then the first candidate night is the 19th, which is two nights away only!

The Messenger of Allah said: Whoever stands the night of Laylatu-l Qadr in prayer, with faith and anticipation, all of their previous sins shall be forgiven.

Whether you plan to finish reading the whole Qur’an each night or once per the month,

Whether your goal is to continue praying at night every night after Ramadan, or to pray at all,

Whether your aspirations are to be saved from Hellfire, or reach the highest rank in Paradise,

Whatever your goals, plans and aspirations are of this Ramadan,

Do not miss any night of the coming nights in prayer.

Q: The forgiveness we are told about regarding fasting ramadan and praying during its nights and during laylatul qadr, is it referring to all sins, including major sins?


Wa’alaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh sister, 

Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali said: 

“There are two opinions regarding this: 

The majority are upon that those [i.e. the Ahadith about Ramadan and Laylatu-l Qadr on forgiveness of all previous sins] are about the minor sins only, because Allah says “If you avoid the most major of the sins you’re prohibited from committing…” [4:31]

The second opinion is that they expiate all sins, major and minor. Some like Ibn almunthir said regarding Laylatu-l Qadr: it is a night in which all sins are hoped to be forgiven, major and minor. 

However the majority that the major sins need a specific repentance per each sin.”

[Lataif al-Ma’arif, p 207]

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