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Broke Fast during Ramadan due to travel

View FatawaCategory: SawmBroke Fast during Ramadan due to travel
AvatarYazeed Al Yazeed asked 6 years ago
Al Salamu Alaykum

I traveled to another country for 8 days during Ramadan and Eid. I stayed in one city for the whole of my trip. I shortened all my prayers and combined some of prayers throughout the whole trip and I broke my fast 4 days out of Ramadan.

I have read that the period one is considered a traveler is only 4 days but allegedly some scholars like Ibn Taymiyyah and Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen have not specified a period.

Are my prayers valid and can I simply make up the fasts or do I need to do something else, like pay a kaffarah to make up the missed fasts ?

AvatarMohamed Mohamed
replied 9 months ago

Yes, valid inshallah but it’s not the dominant view of the madhab. You can make up your fast and apparently you don’t need to pay kaffarah if you just followed a valid view Allahu alem.