Creating complete images of living beings is impermissible. The Sunnah is clear on this. However, according to the madhhab, this applies only to complete images which would live independently. Not a head on its own or a body on its own. That is because the prohibition is due to the imitation of Allah’s creation, as explained in more than one Hadith. This cannot be said about incomplete images.
Similarly, for the same reason photos and videos are not included in this, because they are not from the ‘creation’ of people, but merely a direct copy of something that already exists. They are therefore permissible as long as what is recorded or captured is itself permissible. Although the question of photos and videos is not found in the early Hanbali texts, this is the view of a number of later Hanbali jurists such as Shaykh Ibn Badran and Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin.
And Allah knows best
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