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Salat on Forbidden times

View FatawaCategory: PrayerSalat on Forbidden times
AvatarMohammed Shahanewz Nayeem asked 7 years ago
If a man misses the fazr prayer due to sleep and wake up on the time of forbidden time(i.e. the time between isharak and sun rising) then is it allowed to pray the sunan of fazr during this time(know that he can pray fard of fazr)?
What is the opinion of madhhab?
Is there any difference opinion in madhhab on this issue?

1 Answers
Zahed FettahZahed Fettah Staff answered 7 years ago
There is some difference of opinion, but the official position and the view of most of the Hanabilah is that he only prays the Fardh, and then he can make up the Nafl after the forbidden time has ended.