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Stuffed animal toys for kids

View FatawaCategory: MarriageStuffed animal toys for kids
Abu KhuzaymahAbu Khuzaymah asked 7 years ago
Assalaamu ‘alaykum,
What does the madhhab say with regards to stuffed animal toys which are bought for children (for example to cuddle during sleep)? 
Baarakallaahu fiek,

1 Answers
Zahed FettahZahed Fettah Staff answered 7 years ago
Wa’alaikumussalam warahmatullah

Although the general rule on such images would be to avoid them, the scholars have given exceptions to this rule. From these exceptions that are mentioned in the Sunnah, are children’s toys. They would be permitted to buy for them to play with or sleep with.

And success is from Allah