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Words that lead to divorce

View FatawaCategory: MarriageWords that lead to divorce
AvatarAbdulJabbar asked 4 years ago
Salam alaikum

My wife was was excessively praising (her sister’s husband) about how he helps out a lot in the home etc. and in a mix of frustration, I said to her like ‘then go marry him’. I didn’t intend divorce or anything.

I read that in the Hanbali madhab , this is a phrase that can lead to complete divorce even without intention!  In the books the wording given is “Marry whoever you wish” Is that true? – is it permissible for me to go with the more less-stricter opinions to save my marriage?

Lastly, let’s say as a fatwa seeker if I ask a fatwa from a Hanbali scholar who is well known but I find that his answer is against the relied upon hukm/opinion of the madhhab what is my obligation then?