Busy yourself with learning Fiqh, revising it, and teaching it to friends and family. Do it for Allah and it’s never a waste of time.
Ishāq b. Mansūr said,
❝I asked Ahmad b. Hanbal about something he had once said: ‘Spending some of the night studying is more beloved to me than spending it in prayer.’
‘Studying what exactly?’ I asked.
He replied:
‘Studying that which the people will benefit from in matters related to their religion.’
‘Like ablution, prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, divorce, and the likes?’
‘Yes’, he said.❞
Ishāq b. Mansūr also relates that upon hearing what Imām Ahmad explained, Ishāq b. Rāhawaih said,
❝It is exactly as Ahmad said.❞, i.e. – the science which the masses require the most when it comes to their religion is Fiqh.
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