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Sh. Aamir Bahjat

Shaykh 'Amir Bahjat
Full name is 'Amir b. Muhammad Fida' b. Muhammad 'Abd al-Mu'ti Bahjat.

The Shaykh is a young charismatic scholar and an expert in the Hanbali Fiqh whose service to Fiqh - and Hanbali Fiqh in particular - is well known in the circles of knowledge in Saudi Arabia. The Shaykh is a professor at Taibah University in Madinah and also a teacher at the Prophet’s mosque (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam).

Here is the Shaykh's chain of "Tafaqquh" in the Hanbali Madhhab going back to the founder of the Madhhab:
The Shaykh studied the books of the Madhhab directly with Shaykhu-l Hanabilah 'Abdullah b. 'Aqil, Sh. 'Abdullah b. Muhammad Aba-l Khayl, and Sh. ‘Allamah ‘Abdullah b. ‘Abdur Rahman al-Jibrin.

These three scholars took from Sh. Muhammad b. Ibrahim Aal al-Shaykh; who took from Sh. Sa’d b. ‘Atiq; who took from his father, Hamad b. ‘Atiq, who took from Sh. ‘Abdur Rahman b. Hasan Aal al-Shaykh; who took from his grandfather, Sh. Muhammad b. Abdul Wahhab; who took from ‘Abdullah b. Ibrahim b. Sayf; who took from Abul Mawahib, Muhammad b. ‘Abdul Baqi al-Ba’li; who took from his father, al-Shams Muhammad b. Badr al-Din al-Balbani; these two took from Ahmad al-Wafa-I al-Muflihi; who took from Shaykhu-l Madhhab, Musa b. Ahmad al-Hajjawi (author of al-Iqna’ and Zad al-Mustaqni’); who took from al-Shihab Ahmad b. Ahmad b. Ahmad al-Shuwayki; who took from Shihab al-Din Ahmad b. Abdullah al-‘Uskari; who took from Munaqqihu-l Madhhab, al-Qadi ‘Ala al-Din ‘Ali b. Sulaiman al-Mardawi; who took from al-Zayn ‘Abdur Rahman b. Sulayman b. Abul Karam al-Salihi (Abu Sha’r); who took from al-‘Ala ‘Ali b. Muhammad b. al-Lahham; who took from his Shaykh, al-Hafidh Zayn al-Din ‘Abdur Rahman b. Ahmad b. Rajab; who took from Shams al-Din b. Abu Bakr b. Ayyub al-Zar’i (Ibn al-Qayyim); who took from Shaykhu-l Islam, ‘Ahmad b. ‘Abdul Halim b. Taymiyah; who took from Shams al-Din ‘Abdur Rahman b. Abu ‘Umar Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Qudamah al-Maqdisi; who took from his paternal uncle, al-Muwaffaq, ‘Abdullah b. Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Qudamah; who took from Nasihu-l Islam, Nasr b. Fatayan (Ibn al-Manni); who took from Abu Bakr Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Dinawri; who took from Abu-l Khattab, Mahfudh b. Ahamd al-Kalwadhani; who took from al-Qadi, Abu Ya’la Muhammad b. al-Husain (al-Farra); who took from Abu Abdullah al-Hasan b. Hamid al-Baghdadi al-Warraq; who took from Abu Bakr ‘Abdul ‘Aziz b. Ja’far b. Ahmad (Ghulam al-Khallal); who took from his Shaykh, Abu Bakr Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Harun al-Khallal; who took from Abu Bakr Ahmad b. Muhammad b. al-Hajjaj al-Marrudhi and other students of Ahmad; who took from Imam of Ahlus Sunnah, Abu Abdullah Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Hanbal al-Shaybani, may Allah have mercy upon them all and gather us with them in Jannah.