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Congregational prayers after Tarawih in the last 10 nights

During the last 10 nights many Muslims pray additional congregational prayers after Tarawih. If these congregational prayers are done after the Witr then it’s called Ta’qib.

Ta’qib, as defined by the scholars of our Madhhab, is to pray in congregation after completing Tarawih and Witr.

This is not Makruh in the Madhhab as stated by al-Mardawi in al-Insaf, and likewise Muwaffaq al-Din Ibn Qudamah, Shams al-Din Ibn Qudamah, Ibn Munajja, Ibn Razin, al-Dujayli, and al-Mardawi himself in Tashih al-Furu’ and al-Tanqih.

One has the option of praying Witr with the Imam and standing up to add another Rak’ah when the Imam makes the Salam. If one then prays extra congregational prayers after this then this does not fall under Ta’qib at all as the person has not prayed Witr yet, as stated by Aba Butain. This is how it’s commonly done these days anyway.

Also according to the Maddhab it does not matter if the gap between the Tarawih and the additional congregational prayers is long or short, i.e – it doesn’t turn into Makruh. This was stated by al-Mardawi, Shams al-Din Ibn Muflih, al-Kalwadhani, al-Samurri, and Ibn al-Jawzi.

Lastly, if one does not stand up after the Imam’s Salam in Witr and completes it with the Imam, or if one prays the Witr separately himself, and then he prays the additional congregational prayers = this does not affect his Witr, i.e – his Witr still counts and he doesn’t have to repeat the Witr afterwards, as stated by Al-‘Allamah Ibn Qaid.

Summary –

• Praying voluntary congregational prayers after Tarawih and before Witr:

Not Makruh according to anyone in the Madhhab.

• Praying voluntary congregational prayers after Tarawih and after Witr:

a) Not Makruh according to Imam Ahmad, based on the Riwayah which is Mu’tamadah, and the Hanbalis quoted above.

b) Makruh according to the old Riwayah from Imam Ahmad and other Hanbali scholars; this isn’t the Mu’tamad.

[For references please go to al-Insaf, Hidayah al-Raghib, and Hashiyah of Aba Butain]

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