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Emotional regulation among men and women
OpenAvatarismail_ds020 asked 2 years ago • 
132 views0 answers0 votes
Shortening the Hair for Women
OpenAvatarumm_huraira asked 2 years ago • 
98 views0 answers0 votes
Using a Non-Muslim’s Credit Card which is repaid in time
OpenAvatarAamir24 asked 2 years ago • 
142 views0 answers0 votes
[7:54] – “He covers the night with the day” vs. modern science
OpenAvatartahir asked 2 years ago • 
114 views0 answers0 votes
Madinah or Secular Studies?
OpenAvatarabdinur asked 2 years ago • 
124 views0 answers0 votes
Reading Quran in Menstruation
OpenAvatarRafshana Shafrin asked 2 years ago • 
150 views0 answers0 votes
Permissibility of pictures/videos of people
OpenAvatarMaeci Armstrong asked 2 years ago • 
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How to offer Kaffara after breaking promises made to Allah
OpenAvatarMuhammad Hamza asked 2 years ago • 
134 views0 answers0 votes
Inheritance if I leave behind both parents, wife and a son?
OpenAvatarAbu Wail asked 2 years ago • 
128 views0 answers0 votes
Selling crosses and objects of shirk
OpenAvatarworshipGODalone asked 2 years ago • 
178 views0 answers0 votes
Is verbalising intention Mustahab?
OpenAvatarkmshaon2 asked 2 years ago • 
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Doctor required to complete Cremation Forms
OpenAvataratifjung asked 2 years ago • 
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Shahada on Silver Ring for Men
OpenAvatarMunum asked 2 years ago • 
143 views0 answers0 votes