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‘Eid Prayer for Women?

There is no problem in women attending the ‘Eid prayer without putting on perfume and without clothes that are for adornment or those that make them unnecessarily stand out amongst the people, as the Messenger of Allah said, “Let them come out without perfume, unadorned.”

They must also avoid the area where the men are and not intermingle. Those who are on their time of the month may also attend but they must avoid the place of prayer and sit in a place from where they can listen to the sermon, so the purpose for which they’ve come is achieved.

So in summary, it is Mubah for women to attend ‘Eid congregation as per the Maddhab as stated by al-Mardawi (r).

As for repeating the Takbirat then that is also fine but it shouldn’t be done out loud like the men, but with a tone with which Dhikr is usually done after prayers.

[Refer to Sharh al-Muntaha, Al-Kashhaf, & al-Insaf]

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