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Book Descriptions

Ihkamu-l Dhari’a ila Ahkam al-Shari’ah

Ahadith al-Ahkam by the Hanabilah (4)

Ihkamu-l Dhari’a ila Ahkam al-Shari’ah by Hafidh Jamalu-l Din al-Suramari al-Hanbali [d. 776 AH] (r) contains around 1,870 narrations. It comes according to the chapters of Fiqh mentioned by the Hanbali scholars. An excellent encompassing book in which the author mentions verses of the Qur’an as well as Hadith. It is also ordered in accordance with the chapters of Fiqh, but he begins the book with the chapters of Eman and Sunnah, and ends the book with the chapters of Adab and Akhlaq.

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