Al-Salamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu!
The Hanbali Madhhab Project endeavours to facilitate several avenues of Khair for the Ummah across the globe! Ranging from educational articles, Fatwa [Q&A] Forum as well as platforms to learn more about the Madhhab!
Up until now, the team have managed to fund the project themselves (by the Permission of Allah alone), and have no particular financial goal or requirement for the Project as of yet. However, without a shadow of a doubt, with additional funds – this will not only enable continuation for running the project, but would allow the team to extend its services.
For a long period of time, we have had a high volume of requests from our viewers from all across the world for the opportunity to donate for the project at hand. If you are looking for an opportunity for Sadaqah Jariyah, this may be an opportunity for you to contribute towards facilitating spreading knowledge, building developed leaders and more!
Please feel free to donate what is practical, realistic and whatever your heart yearns!
May Allah accept it from us all and make it weighty on our scales.
You can learn more about who are we are here.
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