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Other Prayer

The two Khutbah’s before the Jumu’ah prayer are a condition for the prayer to be valid

The two Khutbah’s before the Jumu’ah prayer are a condition for the prayer to be valid.

•• The Khutbahs have conditions of their own:

1. Both being done within the legislated time

2. Praising Allah (by specifically saying “Alhamdulillah” or its verbal form “Ahmadullah”)

3. Prayers upon the Messenger of Allah ﷺ (by specifically using the word “Salah” like “Was-Salatu ‘Ala Rasulillah”, for example, or its verbal form “Sallallahu ‘Ala Rasulillah”).

So, the “Salam” isn’t a condition, i.e. adding “Was-Salamu” or “Wasallam”.

4. Reciting at least one complete verse from the Qur’an (however, it must be a verse which is “independent” in it’s meaning. So, even though مُدْهَامَّتَان (55:64) or ثُمَّ نَظَرَ (74:21) are technically verses, but only saying them on their own does not convey a complete meaning).

5. Advising fear of Allah (there isn’t any specific phrase for this, so one may say اِتَّقُوا اللهَ or أَطِيْعُوا اللهَ etc.)

6. Raising the voice so it is heard at least by the required number of attendees.

7. The required number of attendees (40 permanent residents including the Imam, i.e. 39 congregants who are permanent residents).

8. Intention (that he is delivering the Khutbah)

9. Consecutiveness between the two Khutbahs and also within each of the Khutbah itself, so as to not have long gaps of silence during the two. The same applies to maintaining consecutiveness between the Khutbah and the prayer.

In summary, just keep 4 things in mind for every Khutbah:

a) Praising Allah, 
b) Sending Salah upon the Messenger, 
c) Advising fear of Allah, 
d) Reciting a verse.

Important: These four need to be in both Khutbahs.

•• The Khutbah has recommended actions also:

1. Delivering it from a Minbar or an elevated platform.

2. The Minbar being to the right of the people if they are facing the Qiblah. But if the Khutbah is being delivered from the floor then he should be more to their left.

3. The Khatib giving Salam to the attendees as he comes out to them (e.g when entering the mosque) and once again after climbing the pulpit and facing them.

4. Him sitting until the Adhan is finished.

5. Sitting shortly between the two sermons. (The time for this sitting should be roughly the time it takes to recite Surah al-Ikhlas).

6. Delivering the sermon standing whilst leaning on a staff.

7. Looking straight ahead at the congregation and not shifting the body left and right. (Meaning, he can turn his head left and right as is naturally done, but not shift his body to either side).

8. Keeping both Khutbahs brief, and making the second shorter than the first.

9. Supplicating for Muslims in general. It is permissible to specify someone, like the governor for example.

(It is Makruh for the Khatib to raise his hands in du’a during the Khutbah. However, he is allowed to point with his index finger during this du’a).

•• Conditions to be met by a Khatib:

1. He must be someone who also fulfills the conditions for leading Jumu’ah (i.e. just fits the conditions, not that he has to lead; that’s recommended, not a condition).

2. He must be a permanent resident also.

3. It is not a condition for the Khatib to be in a state of ritual purity, though its highly encouraged that he be so, especially if he is also the one to be leading the prayer, in order to avoid prolonging the gap between the Khutbah and the prayer.

Note: There are multiple Riwayat from our Imam (r) with regards to the number of people required for Jumu’ah. The second strongest Riwayah is that 3 people (including the one leading) suffices. This was the Riwayah chosen by Sh. al-Islam Taqiyy al-Din Ibn Taymiyyah (r).

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