I like the courses Shaykh
I like the courses Shaykh has been offering, subhanAllah, on various topics.
I just feel that there needs to be some intermediate or advance Hanbali Fiqh and Usul course available in English.
Most students who may attend would have prior study done. I also want to emphasize a regular timing for session and completion… There are only 6 lessons for Umdat al-Ahkam…
نفع الله بكم وبارك لكم
نفع الله بكم وبارك لكم فيكم.
حضرت دورة أصول الفقه المستوى الأول مع الشيخ أحمد زين العابدين جزاه الله عنا كل خير.
I studied usul al_fiqh level
I studied usul al_fiqh level one. The course was benefical and clear.
Great courses. Jazakum Allahu Khayran
Great courses. Jazakum Allahu Khayran for all of your efforts. My favorite course was Akhsar al-Mukhtasarat. Shaykh Zahed went into a level of detail that was enriching. It was one of first texts that I ever went through in the Madhhab and yet I still understood everything. The other 2 courses I took were good, but did not have that level of detail – which is completely fine. I really hope and wish Sh. Zahed will be able to continue Akhsar al-Mukhtasarat in the near future. If it is possible to have a class on the Arabic but taught in English (e.g. Ajrumiyyah taught in English), then that would be very beneficial inshaa Allah.
Again, Jazakum Allahu Khayran for your efforts.
My experience with the study
My experience with the study of fiqh at THM has been quite simply, perfect. They’ve made traditional ilm accessible to everyone. The instructor is responsive and the classes have been made incredibly easy via flowcharts.
There are very few institutes today who are devoted to teaching the Hanbali madhhab in English language. May Allah put barakah in this noble endeavor. Ameen!
Assalaamu alaykumThe teacher was very
Assalaamu alaykum
The teacher was very experienced and new his stuff and took the time to explain the concepts. Didn’t just read off the book but took a critical approach to it and always highlighted where the shaykh left the madhhab. Some times provided more details than what the shaykh covered in his book.
However, there was lack of activity by the teacher on the course forums. Many questions went unanswered, and I think that contributed to students not asking more questions on the forum.
I’ve been following the page
I’ve been following the page for a number of years and have always benefitted from the informative posts. I was then very happy to see a course open up on Usool al-Fiqh which I studied with THM.
The programme was run professionally and there were no administrative issues for me. The teacher’s (Ust Ahmad) style of teaching was excellent as he utilised methods to make things easy to understand and taught at a pace which wasn’t slow nor overwhelming. The forum is also great as it’s a chance to engage with your teacher and discuss studies with fellow students. It’s great to see THM use different online tools to make the process as educational as possible.
I pray Allah grants these efforts tawfeeq and that he benefits us through THM and accepts the efforts of everyone involved!
I have studied with you
I have studied with you usul al-fiqh by Mr Ahmed Zein and he was a very good teacher he explained every thing so I will continue learning of usul al-fiqh 2 with this portal and I really thank you for your efforts and ask God to bless
My regards
لقد شاركت في دورة اصول
لقد شاركت في دورة اصول الفقه وكانت حقا رائعة ومفيدة جدا جزاكم الله خيرا
I would like to say
I would like to say as a current student in this institution studying Akhsar Al-Mukhtasaraat taught by Shaykh Zaahid I have benefited immensely from the course and his teaching style.
I found Shaykh Zaahid very clear to the point with practical examples applies the Fiqh to real world issues as oppose to the fictional fiqh approach.
May peace & blessings of
May peace & blessings of Allah subhanahu ta’ala be upon thehanbalimadhhab.com team.
I have studied two of the courses offered by thehanbalimadhhab.com. The first course, Akhsar al Mukhtasarat just changed my life. It taught me how to be serious to seek the knowledge of Deen. Moreover, courses were provided free of cost which helped me a lot as it was an obstacle for me. But I want to request thehanbalimadhhab.com team
1. To offer more courses in Islamic sciences in English for the students who don’t know Arabic
2. To continue “ Akhsar al Mukhtasarat “
3. To offer Arabic language courses in English language
4. To provide Aqeedah course
I make dua a lot to Allah subhanahu ta’ala to bestow His mercy & reward whole team. Thank you the whole team to be my inspiration. Now, my wife is also studying in this platform. May Allah grant you all Jannatul Firdous and companionship of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
جزاكم الله خيرًا
درست معكم المستوى الأول من
درست معكم المستوى الأول من علم أصول الفقه، كتاب الأصول من علم الأصول مع الاستاذ أحمد زين العابدين، وكانت دورة ممتازة موفقة استفدت منها كثيرا، وانا الان أتابع معه في المستوى الثاني من علم الأصول، لكن الامتحانات بعض الأسئلة فيها تكون غير مكتملة وناقصة من مما يؤدي إلي عدم فهم السؤال وبالتالي خطأ الإجابة
وجزاكم الله خيرا
وأسأل الله لي ولكم التوفيق والسداد.
I am currently taking the
I am currently taking the Developing Fiqh Competency (Sisters Only). I have found the classes or lessons to extremely helpful. My only suggestion would be creating more opportunities for the students to interact with the teacher.
I studied Akhsar al- Mukhtasarat
I studied Akhsar al- Mukhtasarat online and thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. Login to the website was simple, access to the online recordings was easy. The recordings were of a high quality. The exams were well thought out and well executed. The content was well taught and explained. A much needed service. Email correspondence was very good in that all questions asked were answered in a timely and humble fashion [not making me feel stupid for asking trivial questions and having patience with my shortcomings].I have nothing but good to say about the whole set-up and the manners of those involved with this project. It was an effective way to teach this course as it is not possible for many of us to go out and learn in the traditional recommended ways. I would love to be able to study another course again with them in the very near future biidhnIllaah. May Allaah accept your efforts and reward you all tremendously for all your efforts for His Sake. Aameen
Ideal for busy professionals that
Ideal for busy professionals that need to learn essentials! I would love to carry on with further classes in the future.
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
Hope you are well by grace of Almighty Allah. May Allah keep you safe from corona virus and all other sickness.
This team is working very good Alhamdulillah. But want more courses for non arab to learn Arabic and tajweed in medium of English.
Jazakallahu khayra
Today the lines have been
Today the lines have been blurred between people following the 4 schools of thought in the proper manner, working their way through the levels to reach proficiency in the science of Fiqh, and those who do not.
The Hanbali Madhab Website is a shining light of guidance, steadily progressing their students from level to level in the basic Islamic Sciences whilst maintaining accessibility for people all around the world. They make unequivocally clear how the school views traditional masail of Fiqh according to the relied upon positions of the madhab. Accessible to all!
I’d like to make mention of our teacher, Sh Zahed Fettah, who has (and I am not exaggerating), completely revolutionised the way I viewed Islamic sciences, the subject area of Fiqh and the Hanbali Madhab itself. The way he broke down and explained traditional masail and brought in contemporary issues was unparalleled. After his course of Akhsar Al Mukhtasarat you come out a Faqih (in terms of thinking like one, getting that deep understanding), not just a person who has learnt their Fardh Ayn of Ibadah. A true gem who I wish will come back and do future courses in the future.
May Allah reward the admins and supporters of the page, and all the teachers who continue their efforts to serve this blessed school, one of the remaining 4 schools of Islamic Jurisprudence agreed upon by consensus, the Hanbali Madhab.
الدورة كانت ممتازة، استفد منها
الدورة كانت ممتازة، استفد منها كثيرا، وساعدتني على فهم الأصول بطريقة منهجية منتظمة، وجزا الله الشارح كل خير، فقد يسر لنا شرح الأصول ولم يقصر معنا، وجزاكم الله جميعا كل خير على جهدكم الطيب
They provide excellent high quality
They provide excellent high quality courses for nothing! I’ve benefited immensely from them. I am always looking forward to what they are going to be offering next because I know it’s going to be exactly what a Hanbali needs.
Study with you is beautiful
Study with you is beautiful and enjoyable, and I hope to study with you again
this is my second participation
this is my second participation with the hanbali schoo, I’ve studied usul all_fiqh , which was given by ustadh Ahmad zain , who is a great teacher جزاه الله نعيما , I’ve learned so much and gain a great benefit, I’ll make sure to make a good use of it , and looking forward to learn more
thank you
جزاكم الله خيرا
Has been very beneficial and
Has been very beneficial and May Allah reward every single person involved in putting forward these courses
I really enjoyed …
I really enjoyed Ustadh Zahed’s focus on developing a certain type of thinking in the student as opposed to just dumping the information on us. It was a very eye opening course and it certainly changed how I think about fiqh specifically and Islam in general. I just it continued but qaddar Allah.
I enjoyed Ustadh Abu-l Qasim’s approach of simplifying the material for the students and leaving no room for ambiguity. Very beneficial.
بارك الله بكم وفيكم، وجزاكم
بارك الله بكم وفيكم، وجزاكم خير الجزاء وأحسنه.
حضرت دورة أصول الفقه المستوى الأول عربي مع الشيخ أحمد زين العابدين جزاه الله عنا خير الجزاء وبارك له في علمه.
Alhumdulilah, I have studied three
Alhumdulilah, I have studied three courses with 2 different instructors. The instructors were well versed, prepared and equipped with the necessary teaching skills. Sometimes they may go above and beyond the required explanation to consolidate our learning by giving relevant rulings and scenarios. I have thoroughly enjoyed studying under Sh Zahed and Sh Abul-Qasim. May Allah SWT shower His mercy and continue to utilise the teachers and everyone here at THM for His religion. Ameen.
I have taken the course
I have taken the course on Akhsar Al-Mukhtasarat, which has been life changing. I’ve learned so much and have implemented so much in my life. My daily life has changed due to this course. Shaykh Zahed has been such an amazing teacher. May Allah reward and bless him, Ameen.
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