Umdat al-Ahkam
‘Umdat al-Ahkam by Imam Hafidh Abdul Ghani al-Maqdisi al-Hanbali (r) is one of the great books of ‘Ahadith al-Ahkam’. It contains just under 500 Prophetic narrations all of them in either al-Bukhari or Muslim, and most narrations are Agreed Upon (ie. Both in al-Bukhari and Muslim). The author went according to the chapters of Fiqh and mentioned the relevant narrations under each chapter.
It is a great book that the scholars advise students of knowledge to memorise because of the Fiqh to be found in the book, as well as it being concise and containing the most authentic narrations. Therefore it is the recommended text to be studied with a teacher after perfecting the Forty of Imam al-Nawawi (r).
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