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Women and Perfume…

May the peace and salutations of Allah be upon the one who said,

❝In this world, women and perfume have been made dear to me…❞

The best of creation only loves that which is the best!

Ponder over how women are mentioned alongside perfume in the words of the al-Sadiq al-Masduq ﷺ and not alongside anything putrid!

May the peace and salutations and blessings of Allah be upon the one who used to sleep on the lap of the pure and purified one, the mother the believers, ‘Aisha even when she was on her menstrual period; (during the period) he would touch her and be close to her, and also recite the Qur’an on her lap whilst she was on her menstual period.

Whereas the Jews would not even eat with their women during their menstrual period, nor touch them, nor live with them.

— Sh. Muhammad ‘Abdul Wahid al-Azhari al-Hanbali (h)

*The above was written by the Shaykh in response to a well-known Islamic personality in the middle-east who said that youth should avert their lust for the women of this world by thinking negative things about them, things that women are well known for, both in terms of their behaviour and physiology (words to that effect). So, Sh. Muhammad ‘Abdul Wahid (h) dedicated a number of posts, the above being just a small one, explaining how this is certainly not how our women are spoken about in Islam.

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